That's right. Dan's Top Notch and our team have many new products on the market for heating your home with a Geothermal Heat Pump in Portland Or. We are on the cutting edge of technology and this is cutting the cost of Geothermal with relatively the same high efficiency as the original Geothermal systems Portland Or. This product will use your existing furnace and duct system as the fan and delivery system. This will save lots of money in the retro market in Portland Or. So if you have a small chunk of land or even a big back yard we can most likely put this system in. If you have any other type of forced air heating system we can install this new product cutting your bills and giving you a 30% tax credit in the process. In many cases this will be cheaper than, or at about the same cost as a traditional replacement, yet the savings are unmatched. Call today for details and let us tell you about all the new products we offer for your home.